The greatest nation is called Image-Nation, popularly known as ImagiNation. With this ImagiNation, other great nations were discovered and developed. Great achievements in history come through the rich deposits of the imagination. There is no lack of resources with imagination. One can build an empire in the depth of ones imagination. Cities of gold can be developed in the imagination. It has no boundary and no limit to what you can achieve in the realm of imagination.
The challenge is to transform the structure developed in the imagination into tangible structure. This is also done through the imagination. The 'how' also lies within the Imagination. Whatever you can build in your imagination is achievable in the physical.
Today, there are metal birds called aeroplane. Today, there are wireless communication between planets that are millions of light-years apart. Today, there are artificial intelligence in most gadgets. These are all products of the greatest nation called ImagiNation.